Assisted Living
When residents join the cheery Assisted Living community here at Sanders, they receive assistance with everyday activities that feels more like friends doing for friends. In addition to highly professional health care, including an emergency call system and 24/7 nursing staff, residents can spend their days laughing with friends, staying active, exploring Gloucester Main Street or getting lost in a book in the cozy living spaces.
Residents also enjoy transportation to doctor appointments and community day trips and a packed events calendar. Delicious meals are served in the newly renovated dining room.
See Floor Plans
Many other personal services are available upon request, at reasonable cost, including barber and beauty services, laundry and additional transportation.
Assisted Living Services and Amenities
Services and amenities at Sanders Assisted Living apartments include:
- Three nutritious meals daily, including snacks and therapeutic diets
- Delivered meal service during illnesses, should they occur
- Medication administration
- Scheduled transportation for social activities
- Housekeeping service
- Daily bed making
- Satellite television
- All other utilities except private telephone
- 24/7 nurse call system
Life in this quaint community offers an ideal balance of independence and respectful assistance with daily tasks such as meal preparation, bathing, dressing and taking medications.
To learn more, call 804-693-2000 or contact us here.
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