Women's Health

Big Benefits for Little Babies

October 04, 2016
Big Benefits for Little Babies

Riverside Regional Medical Center was recently honored as a Gold Safe Sleep Champion for efforts to educate new parents about how to keep their babies safe from injuries and fatalities caused by accidental suffocation.

The recognition comes from the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program through Cribs for Kids?, an organization committed to community leadership for best practices and education on infant sleep safety. Riverside was awarded the highest level of certification.

"This was definitely a team effort to establish the safe sleep program at Riverside Regional Medical Center," said Ticorea Williams, Nurse Manager for the Women and Infant Care Unit. "We have worked with the staff to provide education in appropriate sleep positioning to our patients."

A community partnership enables the hospital to offer HALO Sleep Sacks to families on discharge. These wearable blankets keep babies safer.

Another partnership with Peninsula District Health Department helps provide safe cribs.

RRMC's Women and Infant Care Unit is dedicated to sharing information and best practices with women who deliver at Riverside as well as other families throughout the region. This role as a community health education leader is an important part of Riverside's special recognition by the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program as is the medical center's commitment to maintaining hospital policy and staff training that support new parents in keeping their babies safe.