Director for Warwick Forest, the health system’s premier continuing care retirement community on the Virginia Peninsula.
Warwick Forest, located in Newport News on the York County border, offers various levels of residential care to help older adults live their most active lives, including independent living apartments, assisted living, short and long-term rehabilitation, memory support care and skilled nursing care for long-term residents. Staskiel first joined Riverside April 1, 2013 as the marketing director for Warwick Forest.
A Gloucester native, Staskiel is a graduate of The College of William and Mary, where she studied business administration, marketing, leadership and psychology.
She joined the Riverside team because, she said, the system offered an opportunity to “grow personally and professionally. I had never thought about working specifically with older adults before then, but have always been drawn to them.”
Right from the beginning Staskiel connected with her work, knowing she wasn’t just selling something as a marketing and sales director. She was giving people the opportunity to truly live their best lives as they aged. She believed that so much that her grandfather moved to and lived at Warwick Forest until his passing in 2017.
A strong belief in the power of a well-run retirement community, combined with her desire to make a big impact, ultimately led Staskiel to the intensive program studying to become a licensed nursing home administrator.
“I grew up very close with my grandparents and learned from an early age that these were the people who had all the best stories,” Staskiel said. “I gain so much from the people who live at Warwick Forest in terms of their insights, knowledge and experiences. The more I get to know them and the more I learned in my role as marketing director, the more I realized I had more to offer and wanted to make the biggest impact I could for people.”
Today, as Warwick Forest’s new Executive Director, having been on the campus for so many years, Staskiel has transitioned easily into her new role.
Residents she helped move in are still there. Families she’s made promises to care for she still sees each day. “And I feel like I can now make an even bigger impact in the work we do,” she said.
Part of that impact, as she moves forward in her position, are plans to continue efforts to enhance the community.
A large renovation is happening now at Warwick Forest, with remodeling to the common areas. Renovations to the apartments are also in progress.
Staskiel is also recruiting new team members to join the Warwick Forest family as they continue to grow and serve more residents.
And she will continue to help tell the community about the benefits of living in a retirement community like Warwick Forest.
“When residents move here, I want them to know they made a great choice that they will never regret,” Staskiel said. “We will be here for the residents of Warwick Forest if ever they need us. The only thing you should have to worry about when you live here is who you are having dinner with tonight or what exercise class you are going to.”