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  • IWCS Selects RIV Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Specialists to Provide Sports Medicine Services

Riverside Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Partners with Isle of Wight County Schools for Sports Medicine Services

January 24, 2023

Isle of Wight County Public Schools (IWCS) announced a partnership with Riverside Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Specialists to provide certified athletic trainers (ATCs) for sports medicine coverage at Smithfield High School and Windsor High School. ATCs will serve as the first stop of medical care for IWCS student-athletes during practice or competition. This partnership will begin on February 1, 2023, and is a three-year professional service agreement. 

“This important community partnership extends Riverside’s comprehensive sports medicine coverage to south of the James River,” says John LaRue, sports physical therapy and performance director. “We are excited to bring our dedicated and knowledgeable team to the community to keep Isle of Wight student-athletes in the game.”

Riverside Sports Medicine Specialists will partner with the school division’s athletic care network, including ATCs, to evaluate injuries, provide on-site medical coverage during practices and home events, and give first aid and similar emergency assistance when necessary. 

“As many of us are former athletes, our team understands how important and meaningful sports can be to students,” says John Barley, D.O., a sports medicine physician with Riverside Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Specialists. “We are thrilled to partner with IWCS to help keep their student-athletes safe and healthy so they can continue to play the sports they love.”