Patient Rights

We want you to know about your rights, as well as your responsibilities to yourself, your treatment team and the hospital. We want you to have the best possible care.

Adult rights and responsibilities

You have the right:

  • To keep all of your other legal rights. You continue to retain all legal rights you had before admission to the hospital unless they have been limited by a court after a hearing. Staff may help you in accessing public or protective services, if requested.
  • To receive prompt evaluation and treatment, to include pain management and to have such things explained to you. You have the right to share in planning your treatment program. Written unit rules are provided to you in your program handbook.
  • To be treated with dignity.
  • To refuse to be in any research or experiments.
  • To be treated by a doctor or a nurse if you become ill or injured. You have the right to contact your own doctor if you wish (at your own expense).
  • To be treated in the least restrictive conditions possible and not be subjected to unnecessary restriction, restraint or isolation.
  • To send and receive unopened mail and to make and receive, at reasonable hours and at your own expense, phone calls in reasonable numbers. You also have the right to have or refuse visitors during scheduled visitation hours.
  • To privacy and to have all records about you kept confidential. If there is a need to share information with a family member or agency about your treatment or your progress in the hospital, you will be asked to give permission to release the information. Ask a member of your treatment team if you need to see or correct mistakes in your record.
  • To a safe and clean environment and to have nutritional, well-balanced meals. You may communicate with staff any special environment, dietary or clothing needs you may have.
  • To be called by your preferred legal name.
  • To see the hospital Patient Advocate or contact the Regional Advocate. If you find that you are unable to solve a problem with the people involved, you can contact the Advocate for help by calling 757-827-1001 or asking a staff person. Additional contact information is listed below. As in all settings, you have the right to consult a lawyer if you need assistance with a legal problem.

You have the responsibility:

  • To provide accurate and complete information about your symptoms, medications, pain and other factors related to your physical and mental health.
  • To notify your physician or other member of your treatment team if you do not understand or need further explanation of your diagnosis, treatment plan or medications.
  • To participate in the development of your treatment plan, follow the agreed upon plan and attend scheduled groups and activities.
  • To follow the hospital and unit rules and policies.
  • To meet your financial obligations to the hospital as promptly as possible. A representative from the Business Office will be happy to meet with you, if requested.
  • To be considerate of the rights of other patients, residents and staff by controlling noise, attending to daily hygiene and keeping the unit clean.
  • To refrain from damaging hospital property or the personal property of others.
  • To inform family members and significant others of hospital rules concerning visitation, telephone calls and release of information.

Additional assistance

For additional assistance in understanding these rights you may contact:

Child and adolescent rights and responsibilities

You have the right:

  • To have the same legal rights here as you did before coming to the hospital. Staff may help you get public services, if requested.
  • To receive treatment by the staff and have things explained to you. You have the right to help plan your treatment program. Unit rules are in your handbook. Tell your treatment team about anything that concerns you.
  • To be treated with respect.
  • To refuse to be in any research or experiments.
  • To be helped by a doctor or nurse if you are sick, hurt or in pain. Your guardian can contact your family doctor if you wish.
  • To be treated with the least amount of restriction and not be restricted, restrained or isolated without reason.
  • To send and receive unopened mail and to make and receive a reasonable number of telephone calls. You also have the right to have or refuse visitors during scheduled visiting hours.
  • To privacy. Others can only see your records with your permission or that of your legal guardian. Ask a member of your treatment team if you need to see or correct mistakes in your medical record.
  • To a safe and clean environment, to have nutritional, well-balanced meals and to have suitable clothing. You may communicate with staff any special needs you may have.
  • To be called by your preferred legal name.
  • To talk with the hospital Patient Advocate or contact the Regional Advocate. If you find that you are unable to solve a problem with the people involved, you can contact the Advocate for help by calling 757-827-1001 or asking a staff person. Additional contact information is listed below.

You have the responsibility:

  • To tell the doctor or staff about problems, things that are bothering you or things that hurt.
  • To tell the doctor or staff if you do not understand something about your treatment program, the unit or your medicine.
  • To participate in the development of your treatment plan, follow the plan and attend scheduled groups and activities, including school.
  • To follow the hospital and unit rules.
  • To meet your financial obligations to the hospital as promptly as possible. A representative from the Business Office will be happy to meet with your parents or legal guardian, if requested.
  • To be considerate of the rights of other patients, residents and staff by controlling noise, attending to daily hygiene and keeping the unit clean.
  • To refrain from damaging hospital property or the personal property of others.
  • To inform others of hospital rules concerning visitation, telephone calls and talking about private information.

Additional assistance

For additional assistance in understanding these rights you may contact:
