Gift Destinations

Winter Weather Update: As winter weather approaches, please check this page for any Riverside closings or delays.


During difficult times, it's important to focus on the things that matter most. Our compassionate hospice team is dedicated to providing the support your loved one needs so you don't have to concentrate on anything but your time together. We take a holistic approach, providing those with terminal illness the medical care and support they need to be comfortable and feel well and in charge of their own destiny. Those facing the end of their journey often feel a loss of control, but we empower our patients by providing care where they feel most comfortable, most often in their own home.

"Although it was not easy to watch her go through those final days, I took comfort from the fact that, thanks to Riverside Hospice, [my wife] Joyce was free of suffering and in the comfort of our own home surrounded by loved ones, including her beloved dog, Buster, who never left her side. Joyce and I experienced the most tender, intimate and loving care by the special people at Riverside Hospice."

- Earnest Sutton, loving husband

Riverside hospice care extends to the entire family. Patients and their loved ones alike have the peace of mind that comes with the very best in personalized care, as well as our support services such as counseling and assistance with paperwork and medical arrangements.

It is only through the support of our communities that we are able to provide these important services. Thanks to your generosity, we can proudly say that we never turn a patient away due to an inability to pay. Your contributions truly make a remarkable difference in the lives of our patients and their families.

We provide support for Riverside Hospice through the following funds:

Hospice Fund

The Riverside Hospice Fund supports the patients, programs and staff training needs at Riverside Hospice in Newport News, Riverside Walter Reed Hospice and Riverside Hospice in the Northern Neck. Give now.
