Emergency Medicine Residency Program

Emergency Medicine Residency Program - Clinical Rotations

Immerse yourself in a fast-paced, hands-on clinical environment, caring for patients of all acuity levels. With our combined university and community training sites, you'll encounter nearly 75,000 emergency department cases annually, and that number keeps rising.

At Riverside, our residents drive the way we learn. Our curriculum masterfully balances time-tested methods with dynamic approaches, shaping top-tier EM physicians. Embracing adult-learning theory, our didactics feature small group sessions, concise lectures, case-based learning, simulations, and regular oral board exam practice.

Step into a supportive space, growing your skills with graded clinical responsibility. We value diversity in education, nurturing both your professional and personal growth. Through conferences, meetings, journal clubs, and clinical supervision, you'll gain vital clinical management and problem-solving prowess.

Join Riverside Emergency Medicine Residency for an extraordinary journey towards excellence in emergency medicine. Each of our blocks is 4 weeks long, 13 blocks per academic year. Currently the curriculum breaks down as follows:

PGY-1 Rotations

Introduction to Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Vascular Surgery
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Palliative Care
Riverside Doctors Hospital
Sports Medicine/Orthopedics

4 weeks
19 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
3 weeks

PGY-2 Rotations

Emergency Medicine
Community Emergency Medicine
Medical ICU

28 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks

PGY-3 Rotations

Emergency Medicine
Community Emergency Medicine
Medical ICU Consult Service
Surgical ICU
Pediatric Anesthesia
Pediatric ICU

24 weeks
4 weeks
6 weeks
4 weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks
4 weeks

Specialized Rotations

Residents get exposure to specialized areas of emergency medicine to enhance their ability to handle any scenario and to help them identify areas they may want to pursue for future study and development:

  • Clinical Toxicology
  • Emergency Medicine Services
  • Trauma
  • Pediatric Emergency Medicine
  • Clinical Ultrasound

Electives include (But not Limited to):

  • Advanced Ultrasound
  • Anesthesia
  • EMS
  • Global Health
  • Pain Management
  • Procedural Elective
  • Toxicology
  • Wilderness Medicine


Each week of the academic year includes five hours of educational activities, during which residents are excused from clinical duty. These educational opportunities include the following:

  • Conference design based on adult learning theory
  • Class-specific small group education, including a resident-led, longitudinal, evidence-based performance improvement curriculum
  • Joint conferences with the other 4 Riverside residency programs
  • Two hours per conference day using small group learning or simulation, during which residents rotate through case studies, stations including oral boards, ultrasound, simulator cases, palliative care and other common procedure practice
  • Journal clubs at local restaurants or faculty homes to discuss articles