Healthy YOU Podcast: Eating - Is stress driving your hunger?

July 24, 2023

Podcast Episodes
Emotional Eating: Is stress driving your hunger?

Title:    Healthy YOU Podcast, Episode 14: Emotional Eating: Is stress driving your hunger? 

Host: Frankye Myers, Chief Nursing Officer for Riverside Health System

Expert Guest: Bethany Edge, Registered Dietitian with Riverside Wellness and Fitness Center

[00:00:00] Frankye Myers: From Riverside Health System, this is the Healthy You Podcast where we talk about a range of health-related topics focused on improving your physical and mental health. We chat with our providers, team members, patients and caregivers to learn more about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve overall physical and mental health.

So let's dive into learn more about becoming a healthier you. All right. Well, I'm really excited today. I. Um, to have with me with At The Healthy You Podcast, Bethany Edge. Bethany is a registered dietician nutritionist. I'm really excited to have you with us today. How are you?

[00:00:41] Bethany Edge: I'm good. Thanks for having me. I'm really excited to be here.

[00:00:45] Frankye Myers: Great, great. So we're gonna be talking a little bit today about emotional eating. Okay. Um, and stress and what really drives that, uh, and those hunger cravings. So me, myself, I'm a foodie. I love to eat, so I'm really excited to hear, uh, and learn today, uh, about that. Uh, tell me a little bit about yourself and how you ended up in this particular field.

[00:01:11] Bethany Edge: Thanks for asking. Well, to start out with, I was not a healthy person growing up. I haven't always been someone interested in food. I'm from Houston, Texas originally, which is the restaurant capital of the South. Oh yes. We have a lot of good restaurants. Yes, you can get any kind of food you want there. And growing up it was not uncommon for us to eat out two to three meals a day, sometimes.

Right. I didn't do sports Right. I did summer swim, but that was about it. I wasn't in any kinda sports year-round. Right. Watched a lot of TV growing up. Right. Kind of typical American lifestyle that we're told isn't good for us. Right. Right. And my parents were great, uh, their great parents, but that just wasn't a focus of theirs.

We weren't a health centered family. Right. And then when I was in high school, I kind of had a rebellious bone in me and I decided to get into food because it was just kind of a way to be different and kind of be a, a different person, maybe assert myself, right? And through that journey, I went to college, I studied nutrition, and by the time I graduated with my bachelor's, I was like, this is not for me.

I don't wanna be a dietician. I know I've spent all this time, right, getting my bachelor's, but I didn't wanna go on and do the internship and a master's program and sit for the exam. So I found myself taking a job teaching high school, and I taught high school culinary for two years. Okay. And I had my daughter in 2019.

And following that, I had a lot of health problems, right? I had already had some preexisting issues just from growing up unhealthy. I especially had a lot of digestive issues, right? Some mental health challenges. And then following, having a child, I had hormonal issues and I right. Was on a lot of medications.

I was told I was gonna have to be on him for a long time, and I just thought, Hey, I have a degree in nutrition. I know that what I eat matters. Right? So I'm gonna go back to square one. I was on a pretty extreme restrictive diet at this time that I thought was gonna really change my life, right? And I thought, you know what?

I think I just, I think I need to eat everything and I need to be a little bit more inclusive in my diet. And especially, I was not eating enough protein, so right. I changed my diet. I got off of all of my medications. No, that's great. I don't take anything prescription now. That's okay. Um, and just over the last four years it's been this progress of my health improving and about a year in, I thought, I really have to share this.

I do wanna be a dietician, right? I wanna help other people find whatever healing they can. Yeah, by just making a few changes with their diet, it really doesn't have to be extreme. So that's what I'm really passionate about, is just teaching people to love food, to eat in a way that's nutritious. Right. And supports their health. And recognizing, you know, that looks different for all of us, but let's find that best point for every person.

[00:03:52] Frankye Myers: Right. Um, it's just ironic to hear you say, I, um, You know, had to go on a journey just to change my diet about 10 years ago because diabetes mm-hmm. Uh, ran in my family and hypertension, and I'm a nurse and I've been a nurse for 32 years, but I really had never read labels.

I mean, I just ate what I wanted and for a long time I could maintain my weight, but once I hit a certain age, it just wasn't happening anymore. And then I became pre-diabetic and then I. Went on a journey to kind of educate myself more around nutrition. And because I'm a foodie, I didn't want to exclude anything.

So, um, it's interesting to hear you, you talk about that. Um, what would you. Suggest for someone who's starting that journey. Right. Um, because it's definitely a process, you know, identifying maybe health issues. Mm-hmm. Maybe having a strong family history and just wanting to begin the process of making better choices and educating themselves around, you know, dietary, um, how, how to develop a dietary plan for themselves to, to make those improvements.

[00:05:03] Bethany Edge: Yeah. I think to start, I would just say, don’t take yourself too seriously, right? Because I think with food, and we live in a culture where there's so much diet messaging, we can get really intense and we can have really strong feelings about what we're eating and how that reflects on our worth, our value, our morality, our self-control, things like that.

And really what we find is that actually has a negative impact, and it makes it harder to lose weight, harder to get healthy. So just going in with an attitude that. Being hungry is not bad. Okay. Food is not bad, right? And you should eat food that you enjoy. That's delicious. Right? And really just starting with what you like and finding ways to kind of round it out.

That's usually what I do in my practice. So on my first visit with all of my clients, we write down everything they ate the day before. And I'm a big fan of MyPlate. It's. What the U S D A published that replaced the food pyramid. Okay. It came out in 2015. Right? Right. But I like MyPlate because it's very inclusive.

So, we look at MyPlate, we look at what they ate, and we just say, okay, how can we tweak this? So, if you ate a whole plate of spaghetti, I might say, well, you know, you have a grain from the noodles. There's vegetable in the tomato sauce. Protein and the meat. Right? So, let's add in maybe another vegetable and a serving of dairy.

Reduce the noodles a little bit. Okay. And we just kind of tweak it to fit in that MyPlate template a little bit. Okay. So, we're not really taking out foods, right? We're just adjusting what's on the plate. Okay? And maybe adding some things in, right? And just focusing on things you like. If you don't like kale, don’t eat it.

Don't eat right. It's okay to pick something you like, right? Right. So, focus on foods you like. Don't take it too seriously. Don't worry too much. Don't feel like you have to give up the things you like. There is room for potatoes, there's room for pasta. Right? But keeping things in their place and then complimenting them with other nutrient dense foods can really bring true balance in moderation.

[00:07:00] Frankye Myers: Okay, that's, that's really good feedback. So let's talk a little bit about emotional eating. And what is emotional eating and I, I really feel like I'm an emotional eater, but I'm really excited to hear what, what you say is the definition of such.

[00:07:16] Bethany Edge: Yeah. So emotional eating is just anytime we're eating in response to our emotions. And a lot of times this is too, maybe soothe ourselves or it can also be to amplify it. So there's different sides of emotional eating. One stereotype would be. You just have a breakup with your boyfriend and you're eating a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream to instead of, you know, filling your heart, you're filling your stomach.

[00:07:40] Frankye Myers: That Sure, that's, I have, I've eaten a lot of that in, in relation to heartbreak before, so I understand.

[00:07:44] Bethany Edge: I think, I think a lot of women have, right. I've been there too. Right. So that's one side of emotional eating. But we can also eat in relation to boredom. So some of us are snackers. Mm-hmm. Um, that's my husband.

He's, he loves to snack. He'll go through a whole thing of nuts. He's a boredom emotional eater. Um, Some of us, we eat emotionally in response to pain. I have a few clients, they have chronic issues with chronic pain and they tell me, I eat because it helps distract me, right? It helps me feel good in spite of the pain.

So that would be another form of emotional eating, or there's also the example of. Positive moments where we might eat cake at a, at a party or a wedding, celebrations, celebrate celebrations. Right, right. So sometimes we're also eating in response to positive emotions. So it's not always that negative stereotype, it's just anytime we're eating, we're not hungry. We're more focused on the emotional, the social situation.

[00:08:35] Frankye Myers: Mm-hmm. And I would, I would think that, um, people don't even realize they're emotional eaters. Um, and when you talked about like keeping the writing down what you ate the day before, I. Sometimes it may help you uncover that you are one, because maybe it's associated with something that's going on.

Um, and, and you're eating because of that. Cause I don't, you don't hear a lot of people describe themselves. As emotional eater. It took me a while to even realize that if I'm bored, like you said, I'll snack. Um, and then I like the crunch. So like potato chips, you know, after late at night where if I'm watching a movie, so I know I can't keep those kinds of things in the house cause I will go eat them.

[00:09:17] Bethany Edge: Yeah. And I think what kind of masks a lot of people is they think, well, I'm not crying in bed. Right. Eating cookies. Right. And they think because they're not doing it and they're not depressed all the time and eating in response to that, they're not emotional eaters. Right. But a lot of times if you really talk to them, ask them questions, I find in my practice that we do find examples of emotional eating.

[00:09:39] Frankye Myers: Yeah, I would think so. For sure. Um, how can you distinguish between physical and emotional hunger? How do you differentiate the two?

[00:09:49] Bethany Edge: Okay. Well one of the best tools in that situation to use is a hunger scale. Okay? So when you're thinking you're going to eat, just take a moment, touch in with your body, close your eyes, think about how you physically feel on the hunger scale.

We use one to 10. Mm-hmm. One to two. That's really hungry. Okay. This is where you're hangry, you're shaking, right? We wanna avoid this cuz a lot of times when we eat at one to two, we tend to eat. Way past fullness. Right. And you may find if you get too hungry, that first bite of food, it just tastes so good and it's hard to stop.

Mm-hmm. You're kind of in a primitive hunger state. Right. Right. Three and four, this is actually a, can be a pleasant feeling of hunger. So three to four, that's when our food tastes better, our senses are heightened. Hopefully this is when we would have a little bit more appetite. Right. So appetite is different than hunger in the sense it's a psychological desire to eat.

Okay. So you can have hunger without appetite and appetite without hunger. So, Okay. I had a baby about six months ago. I can tell you, at the beginning of my pregnancy, I had hunger. I had no appetite. Right? So, right. And a lot of times with emotional eating, we have appetite without hunger. Okay? But three to four, that's when we want to eat.

Five's neutral, six and seven. That's when we start feeling full, okay? And ideally, you should be able to go. A couple hours without eating. Of course, if you're hungry, you should always eat, but it's better for our digestive tract to have periods of eating and then periods of not eating. So, okay. You wanna be able to go a few hours at a seven, you should be able to go a few hours and then eight up.

That's when we start feeling uncomfortably full. So, so after Thanksgiving, right after Mexican food with your girlfriends, they keep those chips coming. Moments like that? Yeah. That's when we feel unpleasant. Okay. So figuring out where am I on this hunger scale? If you're at a three or a four and you're feeling hungry, even if you're emotional, you might actually need to eat.

Right? But if you're feeling at a five or a six and you're still feeling the desire to eat, Maybe you're feeling more of an emotional hunger. Mm-hmm. Now, I don't think you should ignore that cue. Your body's telling you something important. It might just be an opportunity to think, okay, I'm having an emotional craving.

What do I actually need? Maybe I'm feeling lonely and instead of food, which is not going to fix the loneliness. Maybe I need a friend and this hunger is telling me I need to call a friend, or maybe I need to go for a walk and get outside.

[00:12:11] Frankye Myers: I haven't thought about it like that.

[00:12:12] Bethany Edge: Yeah. So taking it as an invitation to just think, okay, I need something. Is it food or is it something that's gonna nourish my mind? Right, right. Differentiating the two.

[00:12:23] Frankye Myers: Yeah, definitely. I never thought about like that. So that's really describing the signs of emotional eating. Mm-hmm. Somewhat, right? Like what you described. To your point, you, you need something, you feel you need something, you automatically think it's food.

Stop and take a moment, um, and reflect, Hey, you may be lonely, or, or it's a craving for something else. Never thought about it like that. Yeah.

[00:12:48] Bethany Edge: Don't ignore it. Okay.

[00:12:49] Frankye Myers: Don't ignore it.

[00:12:51] Bethany Edge: But maybe just change how you would respond. Yes

[00:12:55] Frankye Myers: When does it become a problem?

[00:12:57] Bethany Edge: I think that's really a personal evaluation. But if you're feeling guilt, shame, overwhelmed out of control. If it's feeling unmanageable to you, right? It's probably a problem, regardless of how often it does or does not happen. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your episodes of emotional eating, it's probably time to reach out and get help.

[00:13:21] Frankye Myers: Okay. And so where would, where would you find help in that space? Is that more on, uh, you can reach out to? If we were to tell our viewers, where would you suggest they reach out for help? If they feel like that, um, has reached that limit for them?

[00:13:37] Bethany Edge: Mm-hmm. There's kind of some overlap here. Okay. In scope of practice and where you can find help, so, I'm a dietician. Dieticians can help with that. Right. A lot of us specialize in that relationship with food. Right. That's a big part of what we do. It's not just lose weight. Right. Or feeding tubes. Okay. And things like that. Right. We really work on helping people build healthy relationships and then licensed professional counselors also.

Okay. Have training, and many of them specialize in eating disorders. Right. Just in a broad spectrum. So that would be another resource, although. Just any kind of counselor could probably be helpful depending on what's driving your emotional eating. If you have this longstanding emotional issue that is driving you to eat, maybe you're going through a divorce or you had, you know, a traumatic experience, something like that, counselor would definitely be extremely helpful.

Right, and in some situations, You might like both. Right. I have clients that come to see me for this and then they also see a counselor and they get two different types of support. Right. That help them work through this same issue.

[00:14:41] Frankye Myers: Yes, yes. I know for me it's becoming more and more challenging, um, at a certain age, and I feel like I, I do a fairly decent job with trying to monitor and track what I eat, but the belly.

You know, around this abdominal girth area becomes challenging and every time I go to a doctor they'll say carbs. Mm-hmm. I'll say this is associated with carbs. So, um, Yeah. For someone that you're developing a plan for, I'm sure many things and you, and you always hear Dr. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water.

Cause sometimes you're you, you may not be hungry. Just take in that water and that exercise. And so, um, what are your thoughts about that? Like, I know you can't do a full evaluation and plan on me, but what are some of the key components when you're working with someone that you incorporate in, in their daily plan to support them?

[00:15:33] Bethany Edge: Yeah. Well, I think the biggest thing I start most of my clients on, we just really focus on protein. Okay? And that's the first step for a number of reasons. First, protein, when we eat it, it digests down into something called amino acids. Okay? And amino acids are what our brains use to produce neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin.

Okay. Both of these play a role in emotional eating and just general appetite regulation. So when we eat a high carbohydrate meal, a high sugar meal, it actually leads to a big release of dopamine in the brain. And so we get kind of this high feeling, we feel really good after we eat, and a lot of people will tell me, You know, after I eat a meal, I just feel relaxed. Right? 

[00:16:19] Frankye Myers: why they're eating better like babies. You notice how they, hum. ,

[00:16:21] Bethany Edge: yes. Like they, my little six-month-old, I fed him banana the other day, and after every bite he went, mm, yes. It's so cute. Right? So, we actually, there's a reason because yes, we get this feeling, we get a little high.

It's kind of similar to how alcohol affects the brain, right? Doesn't mean carbs are bad, right? We do need them, but having enough protein in the diet means one. We're just gonna have more of those amino acids. It's gonna be easier for our brain to keep a healthy level of dopamine, right? Keeping us from having that dip where we're craving.

We're kind of self-medicating with food, right? We wanna avoid that. The other reason is we're gonna have enough serotonin if we're having enough protein in the diet, and that just helps regulate our appetite so that we have a more consistent and appropriate rhythm of hunger and fullness. Yes. We also need protein. It signals the release of a hormone in the small intestine called peptide yy, and that tells our brains we've had enough to eat.

[00:17:15] Frankye Myers: I haven't heard that since nursing school.

[00:17:17] Bethany Edge: We don't talk about it enough, but you have to have protein to feel full. Right? Okay. It's really important. Okay, so I tell people, you know, just start by eating protein.

Even if you're going to eat whatever, if you're gonna have ice cream, make it a sundae. You need to have fresh fruit with it. Get some fiber in there. Okay. And then put some nuts on top. Sometimes it's even good. I just drizzle plain peanut butter on top and that tastes really good.

[00:17:40] Frankye Myers: Yeah, I love peanut butter.

[00:17:41] Bethany Edge: And there you get some protein, right? A little bit more fiber, some fat. So all of those work together to help us feel full. So we just wanna practice getting in that rhythm, feeling full, learning to feel full because if we cut things out or we add things in, it doesn't matter what we, we try to do with our diet. If an individual is not feeling full, it's gonna be really hard for them to stay away from food, the snack they wanna eat. Right. In smaller amounts.

[00:18:08] Frankye Myers: Right, right. Typically, I hear like 30 grams of protein, you know? Mm-hmm. A handful. Is there a max amount? You need to be careful as it relates to how much protein you take in daily, or, no, I.

[00:18:23] Bethany Edge: Uh, typically no. Okay. Unless you have been told you're on a protein restricted diet. Okay. So for some individuals, if you have kidney failure, right, you might have to be mindful, but for the average person who doesn't have a condition that limits their protein intake, it would be unusual that you're eating too much protein.

Okay? I mean, we maybe if you're really just eating nothing but lean meat, right? And spinach, which I have met people who do that. That's not really a good situation. But the thing I really like about MyPlate, and you can go look it up on, okay? It shows you it has, we have five food groups, so protein, which I mostly recommend you would use meat, fish, poultry, things like that in that category, okay?

Non-starchy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, okay? And dairy. Those are five food groups. If you're eating a serving of all of those at your meals, it's just gonna be really difficult to over consume. Carbs over consume protein, over consume fat because it's only taking up a quarter of your plate, right? And those other foods are gonna help you feel full.

So it kind of goes back to that. What does true moderation and balance look like? It looks like eating a little bit of everything. And then of course, going back to kind of your original question. Starting a plan. So I always recommend protein and then using a hunger scale. Okay. Because hunger scale is really valuable.

It's more valuable than counting calories for the average person, I would say, because every day is different, especially you and I are women, right? Our bodies change a lot throughout our lifetime, right? We have different cycles that might affect our. Uh, nutritional needs. Yes. Yes. Calorie usage, you know, counting calories that has limited usage in just daily life.

I think it's more helpful to just learn to listen to your hunger. It's also easier and you're more likely to stay with it long term. And there's research that shows and intuitive eating, such as using a, a. Hunger scale actually produces more long-term weight loss than something like calorie counting.

[00:20:20] Frankye Myers: Really, I, I would have to agree with that as well. That is some really good information. I'm gonna immediately look up my plate.

[00:20:27] Bethany Edge: Awesome.

[00:20:28] Frankye Myers: And you're seeing a lot more of different eating styles like vegetarian, pescatarian, um, Um, I know that I'm trying some of those things and my challenge, and I'm glad you mentioned some of those, you know, the nuts is to how do you supplement the other protein if you're not taking in some of those other lean meats.

Mm-hmm. Right. Um, so you're, we're hearing a lot about that. Do you, are you seeing a shift, um, as it relates to the clients that you're working with and different type of diets? Um,

[00:20:59] Bethany Edge: Okay. Yeah, I think a lot of people are interested in vegetarianism and a lot of people are also interested in keto. Right? Um, and a lot of times even people may have had these diets recommended to them by their providers.

My stance, I like a more inclusive diet. Okay. I think there's always been a bad guy. At one point in time it was fats, then it was carbs, right? I think we're seeing the beginning. It's kind of protein, right? No one says protein, but they say more like animal foods, right? But the protein content is really different.

So a quarter pound of lean meat cooks down to three ounces. That's one serving that's about 20 to 25 grams of protein, okay? To get the same from beans, you would have to eat a cup and a half to two cups. I don't know about you.

[00:21:40] Frankye Myers: That's a lot of beans.

[00:21:41] Bethany Edge: I don't have time to eat two cups a day. Right. Or two cups of beans a day.

Right. At every meal. Right. I don't have time to be in the bathroom from doing that. It's just an excessive amount of food. Right. And then how are you gonna have room for leafy greens and fresh fruits and vegetables and dairy? Right now? Beans are amazing, right? They're the king of fiber. They definitely belong in every diet if you can tolerate them, right?

So they're great and they're a great supplemental source of protein. Okay. There are a lot of great sources of lean meat that can be incorporated into a diet. And again, going back to MyPlate, true moderation. Okay? A lot of times the dose makes the poison. So standard American diet. What I see with my clients, most people are eating three food groups, okay?

They're eating meat grains. A lot of times it's refined white, white rice, white flour type things. And dairy. Right? And because that's all they're eating, they're eating more of it than they should to feel full. But if they just ate a little less of that and eat more fruits and vegetables with it, it's not necessarily that we have to get rid of anything or that we can restrict ourselves to health or, right.

That if you cut out one food group, right, that's the magic ticket to getting healthy, right? Losing weight, all of this stuff. It's really just learning, again, to bring in that balance. Every food group has vitamins and minerals that are essential and are hard to get if you cut out that food group. So without, you know, meat, we won't get enough iron.

It's really hard to get enough iron. Yes. That's just in general minerals for blood health. Right. Without dairy, we can't have calcium Without whole grains, we're gonna go low on certain minerals. Also hard to get enough fiber. Yes. Fruits and vegetables. We all know the benefits of those. Lots of vitamins and minerals.

Good for weight maintenance, things like that. Right, right. So everything has its place. I would advise everyone if you hear these diets, unless you have a very specific health condition where you can't eat those foods, right? Someone's telling you the magic ticket is to cut out a food group, ignore. It's not true.

[00:23:38] Frankye Myers: This is very, very educational and so when you're looking to, I was always told that really increasing that fiber intake really helps counteract carbs. Is that true?

[00:23:48] Bethany Edge: Mm-hmm. Yeah. So yeah, the way fiber works, fiber's just kind of a moderator when it comes to digestion. Okay. So fiber helps food move through our digestive tract at a very stable rate.

Okay? Not too fast. Not too slow. Okay. It also helps us absorb a steady rate of carbohydrate. Also helps with. Moderating cholesterol, so, okay. Really important to have good fiber. Helps keep you regular good poops, good healthy microbiome, right? But really the problem in a low fiber diet is that our bodies are gonna absorb a lot of sugar from our digestive tract.

Really quickly, and even if you don't have diabetes, you can have a blood sugar problem where your blood sugar spikes. Mm-hmm. And then your body's like, oh no, there's way too much sugar in the bloodstream. Right, right. Your pancreas releases a lot of insulin. Right. And then it drops, and it's called reactive hypoglycemia.

This is actually associated with anxiety and depression. So kind of going back to emotional eating, keeping good blood sugar levels. Wow. Which, hint, hint, protein is super important for this as well. Okay. Really will help keep you from having mood swings that drive you to emotionally eat.

[00:24:55] Frankye Myers: I'm gonna go drink my protein shake cause I have 30 grams of protein right after this podcast. That is a lot of good information. I know it, you know, sometimes it's healthcare professionals. We can be the worst.

[00:25:09] Bethany Edge: Yes, we can be the worst patient and taking care of ourselves.

[00:25:11] Frankye Myers: So really, really great information for me. Um, talk about how someone can reach out. And connect with you or your team, um, if they're starting this journey or, or really want to educate themselves more or, um, hear more about the resources and the support you can provide in your space?

[00:25:31] Bethany Edge: Absolutely. So if you wanna meet with me, I'm at the Riverside Wellness and Fitness Center. I take appointments Monday morning, and then I have some Thursday afternoon and evening appointments so I can work with a lot of work schedules. Okay, and the best way is to just gimme a call 757-813-9693.

I'm only there two days a week, so leave a voicemail if you don't get ahold of me, okay? And I'll call you back. Otherwise, reach out to a counselor. That's another great resource. Or if you're not ready to reach out yet, a great resource. I recommend to all my clients is the Intuitive eating workbook, and you can buy that on Amazon, it's about $18, I think.

[00:26:08] Frankye Myers: intuitive eating workbook.

[00:26:10] Bethany Edge: Yes. Okay. And that's a great way to just get started. Okay.

[00:26:14] Frankye Myers: Okay. Well, you know, I may come see you myself.

[00:26:17] Bethany Edge: Good, I'd love to have you.

[00:26:18] Frankye Myers: Think's good to reeducate, reeducate yourself. Um, you know, it's a commitment and mm-hmm. The more that you know, um, The better you can do. Absolutely. Right. So thank you so much. Thank you. I've really enjoyed having you today and you're always welcome to come back. And before we sign off, is there anything else you would like to say to our listeners today?

[00:26:39] Bethany Edge: Um, I think I'm just gonna repeat what I said earlier. Yes, don't take yourself too seriously. Okay. Eating should be fun. Yes. Eat good food. Not too much. Mostly plants. I didn't say that Michael Khan said it. And protein,

[00:26:52] Frankye Myers: And protein, yes. All right. Thank you so much Bethany. Thank you for listening to this episode of Healthy You. We're so glad you were able to join us today and learn more about this topic.

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